When Outdoors – How can I avoid getting a tick bite?
Stay in the middle of the trail
Use insect repellent on uncovered skin and over clothes
Wear light colored clothes to spot ticks more easily
After coming inside – Act fast to tackle ticks
Do a full body check after coming indoors
Use tweezers to remove any ticks
Take a shower
Put your clothes in the dryer for 10 minutes on high heat to kill any ticks that may be attached
More Prevention Tips
Avoid tick-heavy areas such as tall bushes, vegetation, high grass and leaf litter.
Perform daily tick checks, even if you were only in your yard.
Wear long sleeves and long pants, with pant cuffs tucked into high socks, to further protect against tick bites.
Try to prevent ticks on animals by not allowing them in tick-infested areas and using appropriate tick prevention treatments prescribed by a veterinarian.